The Institution has introduced a new criterion for evaluating the prospective candidates for the membership categories ‘Member’ and ‘Associate Member’ with effect from 01st January 2011.
The new criterion is based on evaluating the competence of a prospective candidate against a set of identified competencies.The candidates are required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) together with the application form. The instructions are available in the ‘Guidelines for Membership (Version 00)’ in pdf format on this webpage.
The new Application Form which will be effective from 01st January 2011 can also be downloaded from here.
The current procedure will be continued up to June 2011 for the benefit of the candidates who will be submitting the current applications until the end of 2010.
INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANTS (Who has submitted applications until end of 2010)
1. Duly perfected applications together with the following documents shall be delivered to the Institution or sent by registered post addressed to the Executive Secretary of the Institution.
2. Application form to be filled in block capital letters.
3. Applications to be endorsed by two corporate members of the IIESL.
4. Certified * true copies of the following documents are to be annexed to the application form.
4.1 Engineering qualifications and other qualifications.
4.2 In Plant Training Certificate.
4.3 Birth Certificate.
4.4 Service Certificates.
4.5.Any other document in support of the application.
*Certification to be done by one of the proposers
5. Photograph {Passport size}
6. Registration fees applicable as per the brochure to be sent with the application [Cheque in favour of the Institution of Incorporated Engineers, Sri Lanka.] Candidates will be screened to ascertain whether they duly satisfy all the requirements to appear for the PR/VV, on the day of the PR/VV.
7. Other fees [Professional Review fee and Membership fee] could be paid at the time of the PR/VV and at the other appropriate times.
8. The applicants for Associate Membership should perfect the questionnaire issued by the Institution fully and submit same with the applications.
9. A comprehensive Post Qualification Experience report in the form of a book should be prepared in triplicate and submitted by those seeking admission to the “Member Class”. The report should indicate details of engineering experience gathered at the work places. Organizational chart of work places showing the position of the applicant duly highlighted, details of projects, tasks carried out, details of special work carried out in the areas of maintenance /production /construction etc., with documentary proof and supporting photographs if any. This report bearing the signature of the applicant should reach the Institution on time for perusal in facing the Professional Review /Viva Voce Examination on Management. Examination on Management is only for those seeking admission to the class of Member.
10. Photocopies of application forms should not be used.
11. The Institution office is open on weekdays from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. except on Sundays and public / mercantile holidays.
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